Joel Nelson Outdoors

Which Marcum? LX-7 or the New M5?

Joel Nelsen is an accomplish professional angler with a love for ice fishing. Recently Joel was asked about his choice in ice fishing finders. Josh K. asks: Hey Joel. I’m switching to marcum this year […]

Are They Worth the Hype
Dana Benner Outdoors

Calls: Are They Worth the Hype?

There are tons of calls out there, one for every situation.  There are predator calls, waterfowl calls, turkey calls and deer/elk calls and there are just as many manufacturers as there are calls.  Just watch […]

How To Hunt With Buckshot
Uncle John's Outdoors

How To Hunt With Buckshot

I really didn’t mean to become an expert with a buckshot shotgun. It happened by protocol hunting in the South, and reiterated by the use of a Combination gun, taught to me by the Yaegermiesters […]

Fishing The Midwest with Jensen & Frisch


I went fishing to one of my all-time favorite places recently, Lake Kabetogama in the Voyageur’s National Park in northern Minnesota.  I’ve been to Kab many times in the past fifteen years.  I go there […]

OK I'm Ready
Uncle John's Outdoors

OK I’m Ready

I got totally skunked on Dove Hunting, but I had fun. Now I’m ready for the Deer Season. To me that’s serious groceries, and I’m getting serious this year. I did the youth hunter training […]

Today's fishing report
Dan’s Fish ‘N’ Tales®

Today’s fishing report

As normal, all sorts of things got in the way of heading out earlier in the Ranger, including shooting a couple of new videos for Shoot ‘N’ Plink™. So, the fishing started late. The first […]

Dana Benner Outdoors

We Are Americans!

It is 9/11 as I write this, and while my thoughts are with what this date means, I can’t help but think about what is happening to us now.  Unless you are living on the […]

Technology On the Hunt: Part One
Top Hunting Headlines

Technology On the Hunt: Part One

Manufacturers of hunting gear are constantly releasing new products, often marketed with references to new technologies that will outperform everything else in their category. Sometimes these marketing claims are true. Other times, they fail to […]

Dan’s Fish ‘N’ Tales®

Then I went fishing

It was one of those days when I was trying to fit everything into a single day. First there were some errands, after which was some shooting, which you can read about on the Shoot […]

Don’t Complain To Me
Dana Benner Outdoors

Don’t Complain To Me!

I swear that if I hear one more golfer or landowner who buys up a farm, has no animals and then posts the land complain to me about the resident goose population, I think I […]

SD speed goats - a brief break from fishing
Fishing The Midwest with Jensen & Frisch

SD speed goats – a brief break from fishing!

Last month I traveled to western South Dakota for my first-ever pronghorn antelope archery hunt.  Rob Parmentier a friend from Minnetonka, MN has hunted across North America, knows my love for archery whitetail hunting, and […]

Tips For Camping In The Cold
Camping & Hiking

Tips For Camping In The Cold

The leaves have about completed their fall, exposing the tree skeleton; sure sign cold temps are on the horizon. A small percentage of avid tent campers are not intimidated by the chilling weather and keep […]

Using My Blitz To Score A Few Fish
Dan’s Fish ‘N’ Tales®

Using My Blitz To Score A Few Fish

I got out fishing for a couple of hours today after filming a shooting video with a Umarex USA, Inc. NXG rifle and Henry Repeating Arms Frontier Long Barrel, and then later shooting my Browning […]

Uncle John's Outdoors

Old Betsey

Chances are few have the original shotgun of your childhood. If you do its seldom used because it might not work that well. Not so with my old 1966 Model 1100 Remington 12 gauge. Mom […]

Top Hunting Headlines

Army Marksman Targets Feral Swine

Unless you’re prepared to have several cherished opinions quickly punctured, don’t ask Rod Pinkston about feral swine control. Your assumptions are at risk because the man who literally wrote the book on hog control is […]

Hunting Season is Here
Dana Benner Outdoors

Hunting Season is Here

It is the first of September, the beginning of hunting season in New Hampshire and I find myself in Quebec, Canada.  I’m not hunting or fishing, instead I am here for my wife’s family reunion.  […]

A Reminder for all Hunters
Uncle John's Outdoors

A Reminder for all Hunters

I named this big guy the Louisiana Dream Buck, it’s what every hunter thinks about just before opening day. This is one of those sad stories that nobody wants to hear but listen anyway and […]

How To Chose A Dove Gun
Uncle John's Outdoors

How To Chose A Dove Gun

The Dove season opens here 2 September (In Louisiana). I have several shotguns that I have done well with ever since I was 7 years old. What you want is light and fast, because Doves […]

Walleye Tip: Structure Trolling Refined
Top Fishing Headlines

Walleye Tip: Structure Trolling Refined

Historically, trolling structure come mid-summer was “big picture thinking” in that we chose long contours and consistent break lines where we could put lures behind the boat and go.  Because of the amount of line […]

How to Train Your Pedal Pooch
Top Fishing Headlines

How to Train Your Pedal Pooch

“Honey, I’ve been thinking about expanding our family.” My husband immediately assumed a worried expression. As newlyweds, we had been enjoying a two-person household and its accompanying scheduling and financial liberties. “Oh…you have?” “When can […]

Fishing in the Rain
Bassin' With Captain Mike Gerry

Fishing in the Rain

As we approach the fall and what might be considered a time of year where hurricanes and tropical storms cross the country we will see days where fishing in the rain will happen if you’re […]

A Strange Day Fishing
From The Desks of the ODU Writers

A Strange Day Fishing

Fishing today was a bit strange, but ended up not all that bad. At first I was using a black/blue Blitz Lures LLC Spyder Jig with a Natural Forage Baits Mad Craw. I was getting […]

Aqua-Vu XD Camera Live Strike System
Fishing Tips

Aqua-Vu XD Camera Live Strike System

Key in a single YouTube search for “underwater strikes,” and your device quickly kicks out over a hundred thousand hits. Even after filtering out the usual riff-raff of YouTube weirdness, you’re still left with hundreds […]

Damascus Steel
Uncle John's Outdoors

Damascus Steel

I have some good friends in Wazzeribad Pakistan whose families have been making blades before Jesus walked the earth. According to historical account its a toss up between Syria and Pakistan who first invented Damascus […]

Big Baits, Bigger Fish
Top Fishing Headlines

Big Baits, Bigger Fish,Trophy Fish

By day, Daphne, Alabama-based Hayes Anderson punches the clock as a railroad mechanic. But come evenings, weekends, and vacation days, Anderson’s hunting trophy fish — often driving all night to make the water at daybreak. […]

Rat-L-Trap Day
From The Desks of the ODU Writers

Rat-L-Trap Day

This is a report on the past 2 days of fishing. Yesterday was a Rat-L-Trap day. I fished over submerged weeds with several lures and caught 13 bass. Ten of the fish were on Rat-L-Traps. […]

Thundermist's Boa Jig'r
From The Desks of the ODU Writers

Thundermist’s Boa Jig’r

There’s only one thing better than a jigging spoon – and that’s a jigging spoon with bait! The Boa Jig’r is actually designed to accommodate live bait, cut bait, or artificial soft plastic bait. Of […]

Fishing The Midwest with Jensen & Frisch

Crappie Catching and Fall Fishing

As the summer starts to wind down and fall gets closer, anglers should start thinking about some fall fishing strategies.  Fishing opportunities for a wide variety of fish are outstanding in the fall across the […]

Davis Bait
From The Desks of the ODU Writers


DAVIS BAIT’s Bill Lowen Series SHAKY Head, this revolutionary balanced cone head shape with a brand new bait keeper design is going to change the way you think about Shaky Headin. The new bait retainer […]

Camping & Hiking

Campground Etiquette

Labor day is around the corner and many families will head out to their last trip of the summer. We might bring a few friends who might not know the rules of how campgrounds operate. […]