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Test Your Bald Eagle Knowledge?

How much do you know about our nation’s national bird, the bald eagle? Take this quiz to find out. To watch a live eagle nest, visit the Pennsylvania “Nest Cam,” which covers a bald eagles’ […]

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Top Fishing Headlines

Another Idaho record perch caught at Lake Cascade

 The Spokesman-Review has reported: Lake Cascade has produced another Idaho state-record yellow perch, this one weighing 2 pounds, 15.36 ounces to top the previous of 2 pounds, 11.68 ounces also caught in the reservoir north […]

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If You Build It, They Will Come – BATS

The Indiana bat was first listed as endangered in 1967, under the precursor to the Endangered Species Act due to population declines associated with disturbance during hibernation and changes to the hibernacula. However, protection of […]