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Boat News

Marinized Electric Troller

Too often, when brackish or saltwater boaters and fishermen shop for an electric outboard, the choices are limited to motors designed for fresh water. Responding to market demand, Flover introduces its fully marinised, feature-packed Flover […]

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Whirling Disease and Colorado’s Trout

Colorado Parks and Wildlife: Whirling disease is a malady of trout and salmon caused by a microscopic parasite that produces a spore. The water-borne parasite (Myxobolus cerebralis) may not directly kill trout, but fish heavily […]

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The Answer to Cold, Wet Hands

Sitka Gear, the industry leader in performance hunting gear has taken water resistance to a whole new level with the introduction of the Pantanal GTX Glove. Built for the hardcore waterfowler, the Pantanal Glove excels […]

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Camping & Hiking

Kid-Friendly Camp Cooking Ideas

Cooking over an open flame is one of the joys of camping. After a long day outdoors, nothing gets the stomach growling like the sizzle of a great meal. While campfire cooking is fun, it […]

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Camping & Hiking

A New Lantern For Your Campsite – Fenix

 The Little Penguin is here.  This is the most-anticipated Fenix release for 2015!  Fenix has taken the camping lantern market to the next level with the CL25R all-season rechargeable lantern.  Don’t let the small size […]

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It seems like summer just started, but it’s already time to think about #fallfishing. Nature has started providing us with the signs that remind us that autumn is closer than we think. Just like summer […]

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Camping & Hiking

A Different Angle on Outdoor Photography

When we think of outdoor photography—especially in the context of hunting and fishing—it’s often the bruiser buck, strutting tom, or splashing largemouth that steals the focus. I can clearly remember the defining moment when I […]

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Species in the Spotlight: White Abalone

The endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) belongs to an iconic group of herbivorous marine snails that were once plentiful in California kelp forests and that supported a lucrative fishery. Intense commercial harvesting of white abalone […]

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Youth Photo Contest

“A Contest For Our Future Fishermen.” Our angling youth are the “Future Fishermen” of our sport and one way to recognize their achievements and spread the joy of our sport is to see it through […]

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18 Foot Burmese Python Captured

A massive Burmese python large enough to ingest deer and alligators was captured by a permitted python researcher in the Everglades National Park in Florida recently, CBS Miami reported Tuesday. The python, found along a […]

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Counting critters in the Antarctic

NOAA scientists Mike Goebel and Doug Krause wear a lot of hats when they travel to the Antarctic Peninsula – at any one time, they are pilots, cameramen, seal studiers, and above all, observers. Both […]

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Casting Carter Joins ODU Magazine

Beginning with the August 2015 edition of ODU Magazine™, OutDoors Unlimited Media will be adding a new column geared specifically to young anglers to each of our digital fishing magazines. Penned by seven-year-old “Casting Carter” […]

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Picasso Buzzzz Saw

Designed with the collaboration of Western Pro’s Matt Newman and Billy Skinner the Buzzzz Saw is specifically designed to throw a lot of water and cause a commotion that the fish cannot resist from striking. […]