Which Fishing Rod: Finesse vs. Power

Which Fishing Rod- Finesse vs. PowerWhat you may not know about fly fishing rods is in this article by FishCampRehab: In a long phone conversation yesterday with one of my instructor students, the subject of rod tapers (aka “action”) and power (aka “weight”) consumed a large part of the conversation.  Of course, the discussion was about the best choice of rods for different types of fishing, which is a very common discussion among anglers.  A lot of this comes down to personal preference, the angler’s skill and knowledge level, and what sort of lines and flies are being used.  Personally, I prefer rods with smooth tapers that do not transition noticeably from the butt to the middle to the tip.  I also prefer rods with a medium speed.  But people with excellent skills and knowledge vary widely on these choices.

First, let’s define some terms so that y’all know what I mean when I use certain words. Read on….






