How do you reach fishermen and outdoorsmen now? Ads in magazines, word of mouth, pro-staff, Facebook ads, etc. Have you tried digital advertising and purchased a banner ad? It just didn’t work, right? We have heard it all. ODU uses a different approach to advertising digitally.
Advertisers just don’t get a banner advertisement, we ensure they get more so they can educate readers on how great their produces are:
- 1/4, 1/2 or full page linked advertisement in our digital magazines,
- Each month we will showcase your products on our website in the Fishing News or other section your products fit,
- Do you have YouTube videos, we add them on our website in the Fishing News or other section your products fit,
- Do you have a field staff or team member who can write a product review, how-to or tip? We will publish it and add a link to the article,
- All we publsih for you, will be added to all our social media sites automatically,
- Yes you get a banner or block ad, we just ask that you change it monthly.
Are you interested? Email us at and we will send you our Spring/Summer promo as well as a month to month promotion to choose from. If you have question, let Jennifer know and she or the publisher will get back to you.