Why Fishidy Really is the Next Big Thing

2014 Fishidy Give AwayThere’s a saying that Facebook is for your past and Twitter is for your future. It’s based on the belief that Facebook promotes interaction with people you’ve already met, while Twitter allows complete strangers around the globe to connect. It makes perfect sense. But if Facebook is for your past and Twitter is for your future, Fishidy is for your fishing. And let’s be honest, your fishing is the greatest part of life.

Hold on a second.

Right now you’re asking yourself why FTR is comparing two of the largest social networks in the world to something you’ve probably never heard of. The answer is simple, and it’s not a waste of time.

Fishidy is about to become a household name in this industry. We’re dead serious. It’s that awesome.

So what exactly is Fishidy?

Well, foremost it is a social network for fishermen. The network works a lot like Facebook. You share content, build a buddy list, interact with businesses and so on. But unlike Facebook, when you post on Fishidy you aren’t talking to your third-cousin twice removed, some random guy from high school and your great-aunt Tara.

Fishidy’s network puts you in touch with other fishermen—some of whom you know, and some of whom you will have never met. In that sense, it’s also a lot like Twitter. It’s focusing your connections to people who have common interests that can help you catch more fish.

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