New Hampshire: Concealed Carry Reform Legislation May Come to a Senate Floor Vote This Week
– This week, Senate Bill 336, recently amended concealed carry reform legislation, will likely go before the Senate for a potential vote. Please contact your state Senator and politely urge them to support SB 336!
This Wednesday, March 23, the Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs will hear House Bill 297, sponsored by Representatives Kurt Wright (R-Chittenden-6-1) and Joan G. Lenes (D-Chittenden-5-2). H. 297 would prohibit the import, sale, offer for sale, purchase, barter or possession with intent to sell any ivory (defined to include mammoth ivory), ivory product, rhinoceros horn, or rhinoceros horn product, with limited and narrow exceptions. It is vital that you contact the Chair of the Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs, Senator Kevin Mullin (R-Rutland), TODAY and urge him to OPPOSE H. 297. |
A pair of armed men went up to a diner at a Whataburger restaurant in Dallas, Texas and attempted to rob him. The diner turned out to be an off-duty security guard that was armed at the time. The armed customer drew a gun and fired at the robbers, striking and killing one. The customer was not harmed during the incident. |
An armed citizen stepped in when she witnessed her husband being assaulted by a group of young men – on their very own driveway. men |
This week, both the Maine Senate and the House of Representatives will likely vote to accept the majority “ought to pass as amended” report for Legislative Document 1572. As previously reported, LD 1572 is legislation to help ensure nondiscrimination against gun owners who reside in public housing. Please contact your state Representative and state Senator and urge them to support LD 1572 by voting to accept the majority “ought to pass as amended” committee report on LD 1572. |
Last month, Second Amendment advocates and other patriotic Americans were shocked by the news of the sudden passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. His death was a tragedy for our Constitution and our country. For supporters of the Second Amendment, his death could result in the end of individual gun ownership in the United States. |
If you work at a Texas college and are worried by the prospect of having guns in your classroom, relax. The new campus-carry law changes your risk of gun violence very little. |
While lawmakers also already gave final passage to a bill to legalize firearms on all public colleges in Georgia, they have been left scrambling by Gov. Nathan Deal’s call for changes to address concerns he has about parts of the bill, such as provisions that would allow guns in campus child care centers.\ |
Rhode Island lawmakers are considering more than a dozen bills that would either strengthen or relax gun restrictions in the state.The House Judiciary Committee is set to hold a hearing on weapons-related legislation Tuesday. |
The Iowa Senate voted 46-4 Thursday to pass a bill legalizing firearms suppressors. |
Our investigation revealed there are 1.8 million legal guns in England and Wales. But gun experts believe that illegal weapons push the figure to more than four million for the whole of Britain. |