Oregon Attorney General Issues Ballot Title for “Assault Weapons” Ban – Oregon’s attorney general has released a certified ballot title for an initiative that would restrict the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in the state. The Oregonian/OregonLive reports the new title released Wednesday states that the initiative prohibits assault weapons and large capacity magazines unless the items are registered with Oregon State Police. The initiative would define assault weapons as certain semi-automatic rifles and pistols that use detachable magazines and have other military-style features. Link >> https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/oregon/articles/2018-05-24/attorney-general-issues-ballot-title-for-assault-weapons-ban
Today, the Illinois state House Judiciary-Criminal Committee voted 8-3 to pass Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 337, which would shut down your local gun stores with onerous red tape and regulations. Governor Bruce Rauner has previously vetoed two of these egregious dealer licensing bills, but anti-gun legislators are not giving up. The House of Representatives is now considering SA 3 to SB 337 and could vote on it soon. |
Rahm Emanuel famously said that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” and apparently that included the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. |
American policymakers should look to Israel for guidance. Living constantly with the threat of terrorism, Israel solved the problem of school security long ago by hardening the target and tightening security practices. Every school with 100 or more students has at least one well-trained armed guard stationed at entrances to monitor who comes and goes. |
The charitable organization champions a “data-driven” approach to philanthropy. Its agenda includes curbing tobacco use, fighting climate change and promoting gun control. Following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, this year, Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety nonprofit joined with Moms Demand Action to create a student-led gun control campaign. |
United Airlines executives faced questions about ending its discount for a gun rights group and how it treats its workers at the carrier’s annual shareholders meeting on Wednesday. |
The bill was vague, poorly drafted and duplicates procedures that already allow local police chiefs to remove firearms from people who they consider dangerous, said the group’s executive director, Jim Wallace, in a statement. |
The heavily contested legislation was introduced more than a year ago and has had seven committee hearings. The bill would shift the burden of proof in self-defense cases from the defendant to the prosecutor. |
On May 23rd, the Illinois state House of Representatives voted 80-32 to pass House Amendment 2 to House Bill 2354 to allow Second Amendment rights to be revoked without due process. HA 2 to HB 2354 now goes to the state Senate for further consideration. |